Post by tronicgr on Jan 12, 2015 23:26:07 GMT
Small update on this: Its not so easy as using xbee... While it works perfectly over USB, for RFduino - RFduino network, it needs lots of conversion of the existing code for manipulating the data packets. It does not have ready COM encapsulation like the xbee... I'll give it a try as soon as I can. //Transmitter RFduino with MPU-6050
// Define my custom packet of 42 bytes.
struct myCustomPacket_t
unsigned char myCharA; // 1 byte
float QUATW; // 4 bytes
float QUATX; // 4 bytes
float QUATY; // 4 bytes
float QUATZ; // 4 bytes
float GYROX; // 4 bytes
float GYROY; // 4 bytes
float GYROZ; // 4 bytes
float ACCX; // 4 bytes
float ACCY; // 4 bytes
float ACCZ; // 4 bytes
// NOTE: compiler will reserve a byte here not defined
struct myCustomPacket packet;
RFduinoGZLL.sendToHost((char *)&packet, sizeof(packet));
//The Quaternion values are pre-calculated values from the DMP engine of the motion processor inside the MPU6050 chip... These are quite accurate and jitter free.
//Reciever RFduino connected on the USB of the PC (COM).
struct myCustomPacket packet;
void RFduinoGZLL_onReceive(device_t device, int rssi, char *data, int len)
if (device == DEVICE0){
memcpy( &packet, &data[0], len);
data_available = 1;
} You get the idea... Thanks Thanos
Post by tronicgr on Jan 14, 2015 1:50:18 GMT
Hi, Found a quick solution for the wireless comms, until I short out the GZLL network for the RFduino, using the xbee. The xbee is actually not bad solution, the latency is not so bad. I'm sure it can be improved more if you adjust the FTDI latency to less ms. I have used the S1 version xbee that has max range 300ft, but you might want to use the 1 mile version: www.sparkfun.com/products/8742Or a 40-mile version: www.sparkfun.com/products/9411 www.youtube.com/watch?v=w9F7LThcxyE Thanks Thanos
Post by tronicgr on Jan 16, 2015 6:32:15 GMT
Post by fabi on Jan 20, 2015 21:16:53 GMT
Getting closer ....
Post by fabi on Jan 27, 2015 19:42:14 GMT
So..... although the Drone Pilot is on holidays and the simulator room is not as big we gave a try
Post by riton39 on Jan 27, 2015 19:53:16 GMT
cool!! could you imagine shoot with a Gopro, bring the sensor up in a roller coaster, or skiing , driving a car.....?
Post by fabi on Jan 27, 2015 21:24:37 GMT
cool!! could you imagine shoot with a Gopro, bring the sensor up in a roller coaster, or skiing , driving a car.....? Yes, working on it
Post by vicpopo on Jan 28, 2015 19:32:58 GMT
Hi Fabi, Really asesome job ! It's a new cool feature for our simulators.Drive in the reality but seated on the simulators.